Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Imported post: Facebook Note: 2010-06-29T19:58:53

I recently saw the stories about the billboards with the section of the Pledge of Allegiance "... one nation, indivisible..." and saw that it was the "Ethical Humanists" who had sponsored them. I thought to myself, "Wow, these sound like my kind of people!" Then I started researching ethical humanism. I discovered that in my area they have meetings every Sunday where they don't discuss their Ten Commandments, but their Eight Commitments. Please. This is a group that doesn't worship god, but instead worships ethics. It's still worship, folks. It doesn't matter whether you're Jewish, Baptist or Ethical, you all look the same to me.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Two new toys to try

Just for fun, I've put a WebCam up on the daybed where the puppies sleep.
This is a neat way to watch them sleep or play while I'm at work.

Puppy Cam! (refreshes every second)

Puppy Web Cam  (Javascript camera streaming)

Friday, January 1, 2010

Imported post: Facebook Note: 2010-01-01T10:32:46

Hi Dennis and also Polly We just saw in the new year at our neighbours... 20 mins ago but left early as Gill didn't care to go. Of course Gill must have gone to bed early as there's no sign of her!!! I had a job sorting out my ht37 as it is now on its 3rd mains transformer. It seems to be a weakness. The latest came from my junk box and pushes out too many volts for the 6146s so I designed a series regulator to step down the 1100v to 800v. Some transistor! I finished the wiring but haven't dared to turn it on yet. I took the view that I'd rather it lasted 2 weeks rather than 2 milliseconds.. Roger on the "Geo"... Sounds plausible. The only other "Joe" that springs to mind is "GI Joe" The QSOs used to include Martin in Arizona and later a VE3? in Moosejaw? if I recall correctly?? I would occasionally join in, but as I only had a piece of wet string didn't do as well as Austin with his giant rotatable beam. Anyway.. All the very best 2010 to you and all the O'Dells and looking forward to meeting you maybe on 20m 73 Allan